The particular kickup level to be used is determined by manyfactors, such as the fabric type, fiber type, needle loom density, and much more.
„Kickup“ is the projection of the barb above the edge into which it is formed. Kickup can be made so that it is very high, or in decreasing size so that there is no protrusion at all.
Foster Needle offers three basic kickup configurations:
„B“ barbs feature zero kickup.
With „NK“ barbs, approximately 20% of the total barb depth is kickup.
With „K“ barbs, approximately 40% of the total barb depth is kickup.
Foster Needle offers three basic kickup configurations:
„B“ barbs feature zero kickup.
With „NK“ barbs, approximately 20% of the total barb depth is kickup.
With „K“ barbs, approximately 40% of the total barb depth is kickup.